A new total knee replacement procedure is now available for nearly all patients requiring knee replacement surgery. This procedure requires a smaller incision, speeds recovery and offers a more natural feel than more traditional knee replacement systems. The ConforMIS iTotal G2 patient-specific knee replacement system utilizes the latest in 3D-printing technology to reconstruct the patient’s knee based on a CT scan of their current knee. A 3D printer manufactures cutting blocks specific to the patient’s knee, reconstructing the dimensions of their knee previous to arthritis. Specialized software reconstructs the new knee to be the shape of what the knee used to be when the patient was younger, creating the same contour and size. It truly feels like their natural knee.
During the procedure, a smaller incision helps to reduce infection rate, while speeding recovery. Patients experience a better fit and more natural feel compared to more tradition knee replacement systems. Many patients are able to begin walking within a few days and find they are able to walk without a walker within a few weeks. Whereas traditional total knee replacement recovery could take up to three months, ConforMIS iTotal G2 patient-specific knee replacement system patients find they are back to normal activities within one to two months.
The ConforMIS iTotal G2 patient-specific knee replacement system is available for most patients experiencing the pain from osteoarthritis in their knee. Patients typically experience persistent pain when standing or walking. They may notice an unstable feeling when they put weight on their knee, difficulty going up or down stairs or a noticeable decline in their ability to perform daily functions and activities. Talk to your health care provider if you are experiencing these symptoms to see if the ConforMIS iTotal G2 patient-specific knee replacement system is right for you.
Utica Park Clinic orthopedic surgeon Dr. Jon Orjala explains how this new knee replacement system is helping his patients get back to their active lives, sooner.