
What is triage?

Triage is a medical term that means “assigning of priority” of patients that have presented to the emergency room for treatment. Critical patients are seen before a patient with a non-critical condition, regardless of what time you arrived to the emergency room.

What should I bring with me to the emergency room?

  • A list of your medications, allergies and surgeries. If you do not have a list of your medications, bring the bottles with you for the nurse to review.
  • Your primary care physician’s name and telephone number.
  • A notepad and pen to jot down specific questions and concerns.
  • Change for vending machines, but remember to check with your primary nurse or physician before eating or drinking.


  • A favorite toy or book that soothes your child.
  • Your pediatricians name and telephone number.
  • Depending on your child’s age, bring diapers and wipes, formula, juice, and a bottle. However, do not feed your child until you have permission from your primary nurse or physician. If there is any suspicious that your child may need to have surgery, he should not eat or drink anything.
  • A list of your child’s medications, allergies and surgeries. If you do not have a list of medications, bring the bottles with you for the nurse to review.
  • Keep your child’s immunization card handy, especially if you are not sure if all immunizations are up-to-date. 
  • Notepad and pen to jot down specific questions and concerns.


  • Patients or a close family member must register the patient with the admissions clerk located inside the emergency room entrance.
  • Patients will be triaged to assess the severity of their injury/illness. Once triaged, patients are moved into examination rooms to be evaluated by the emergency room physician.
  • When you leave the emergency room, you will be given a copy of discharge instructions, that includes medication and home care instructions. You will be told to follow up with a primary care physician or specialist.
  • It is very important to us that you understand your discharge instructions. If you have questions please ask the nurse before you leave the emergency room.
  • If you had test done and are waiting on the results, you will be instructed by the nurse on how to obtain your test results. It is important that you give us the correct phone number and other contact information, so the nurse can contact you, if needed.

What is your emergency room wait time?

Each day is different in the emergency room, therefore, wait times vary from day to day or even hour to hour. You will be seen immediately if you have a critical, life threatening condition or event. Most of our patients are seen within 20 minutes of arrival, and overall, our wait times are much less as compared to other area hospitals and the national average.