Home » The Adventures of the Bailey Bears

The Adventures of the Bailey Bears

Teddy bear with green sweatshirt on

The Adventures of the Bailey Bears is a photo journal of 14 Bailey Bears representing departments of Bailey Medical Center. The departments have creatively dressed and named their bears and will be sharing photos of the bears’ adventures beginning April 1 throughout the summer on our Bailey Medical Center Facebook page. Follow along and like, comment and share photos with your family and friends.

Baxter, Facilities/Security/Material Management/Pharmacy

Magellean the Bear Explorer, Volunteers

Gypsy, Med-Surg/ICU

Boo Boo the Bailey Bear, Emergency Department 

Amelia Bearhart, HIM/Medical Staff/Quality/EHS

Stitches, Surgical Services

Choco-latte, Dietary

Casey the Compassionate Bear, Admitting/Scheduling

Elindee, Labor and Delivery 

Dusty, Housekeeping

Jewel, RT/Sleep Lab/Nursing Admin

Emma Jean, Imaging 

Daphnee L. Olivia, Lab

Joe “Bari” Bob, Bariatrics