Charlie Groom, a man who spent 50 years of his life experiencing health issues related to obesity, says that bariatric surgery saved his life. It all started during a Boy Scouts summer camp when Charlie was diagnosed with high blood pressure at the age of 14. After this, Charlie continued to deal with several other diagnoses throughout his life, including diabetes, sleep apnea and heart issues.
Taking 20 to 30 pills a day and weekly trips to various doctors became his reality. Being overweight and taking large amounts of blood pressure medication left Charlie’s heart struggling to pump enough oxygen to the vital organs in his body. He then found himself draining three liters of fluid from his heart for 49 weeks in a row.
“They told me if I hadn’t done something, then I had about five months to live,” says Charlie. It was then that he turned to Dr. JoeBob Kirk, Medical Director of the Center for Bariatrics at Bailey Medical Center.
During Charlie’s first appointment with Dr. Kirk, he detected that Charlie’s heart needed to be the main focus. “Dr. Kirk saw me and we talked for awhile. He said he believed I had a problem with my heart,” explained Charlie. Dr. Kirk walked him down the hall to see Dr. Frank Gaffney, Director of Cardiology at Bailey Medical Center. Dr. Gaffney willingly examined Charlie immediately. After visiting with Dr. Gaffney, Charlie returned back to Dr. Kirk’s office.
“When I came back through the door, I saw Dr. Kirk, Dr. Gaffney and other doctors in the hallway,” says Charlie. “I bet we were in that hallway discussing my case for 45 minutes. After that, I was sold on the people at Bailey Bariatrics and how they treat their patients.”
In December of 2014, Charlie had gastric bypass surgery. Before surgery, Charlie weighed close to 400 pounds. Now he weighs 180 pounds. Charlie has been successful at maintaining the 216 pound weight loss by following good dieting practices, staying active and sticking with the bariatrics program. He also contributes the teamwork of the Bailey Bariatric staff to his weight loss success.
“All of the doctors working together as a team at Bailey made a big difference,” says Charlie. “And it wasn’t just the doctors I mentioned, but the dietitians, the exercise people…everybody. Everybody works as a team there.”
At 64 years old, Charlie feels younger and better than ever. “I used to not be able to walk up a flight of stairs without stopping, resting and trying to catch my breath. Now, I have no problems with my breathing. I got rid of the sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and the insulin intake,” says Charlie. “I am a really active person. I do a lot of blacksmith work, I mow five acres and I dance a lot.”
To give back Charlie also shares his story to encourage others at the support group meetings in Owasso. “You know I’m just tickled to be alive*. If it helps one person out, it’s worth it,” says Charlie.
His journey also made a huge difference in the lives of his family. “I’m in a better mood now that I’m healthy, and when you are in a better mood, your wife is in a better mood*,” says Charlie. At the support group meetings, Dr. Kirk reminds Charlie “I’ll never forget the time your son came up to me, and thanked me for giving him his dad back.”
For Charlie, literally being half the man he used to be has worked in his favor. “I tell people bariatric surgery not only changed my life, but it saved my life.”
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