Home » Tip from Rene – Smart Moves With Your Smart Phone

Tip from Rene – Smart Moves With Your Smart Phone

woman taking a photo of her healthy dinner plate of food

Our patients learn to log their nutrition to understand whether they are achieving their protein and other nutrition goals. One challenge is our busy lifestyles. It’s sometimes difficult to remember what you ate. There are several apps that you can use to log your food, like Baritastic, My Fitness Pal and Lose It. Keeping track of your intake throughout the day can be a relatively quick way to keep your food journal. That’s one smart move. What about days that are so packed you don’t have time to record your foods and fluids until the end of the day? Another smart move is taking a picture of the food and fluids you have throughout the day. When we depend only on our memories, we tend to remember things in our favor and not necessarily the reality. For instance, researchers studied a group of nuns to see if they could accurately report the amount of food they had eaten. Pictures of the meals were taken before and after the meals were eaten. Guess what? The nuns were not too accurate about what they had eaten! Even the best of us need help to accurately recall what we’ve eaten. This is a case where a picture is worth a thousand recollections. Hope you have some smart moves to use today!