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Super Delicious Recipes for Super Big Sports Events

meat stew in a bowl

According to the Calorie Control Council, it is estimated that we Americans typically eat and drink our way to 2,400 calories during the final game of professional football. That would take a person that weighs 175 pounds running a marathon and running it in 15-miles to burn that many calories.

There may be other big games like the finals of college basketball or professional baseball that you like to celebrate with friends and family. Since running a marathon probably isn’t on your list, what’s your plan? Knowing what you can eat based on where you are in your bariatric journey will be important. Modifying your game day menu is a must. There are many resources out there. Check out the recipes for Finger Foods and Apps (as in appetizers) on the Bariatric Eating website. You will find it under the recipe tab. 

If you love ranch dip, use a 5.3 oz. container of plain Greek yogurt, add 1 tablespoon low-fat mayo and stir in just enough Ranch dip mix to make it sensible for your taste buds. You can dip veggies, crackers or protein chips like Quest or Kay’s Naturals. How about pork carnitas?  Click here for a recipe. Have fun. Be mindful of your eating. May your team win!