At 60 years old, Mike Burgess felt the effects of his health history.
The Fairfax, Oklahoma resident required six insulin shots and two metformin pills on a daily basis to manage his diabetes. His A1C had climbed to 8.1 mmol/L and was categorized at a dangerous level. At 429 pounds, Burgess’ mobility limited him physically and impacted his mental state as well.
“I had been big my whole life,” Burgess said. “I just got to where I couldn’t do anything. I felt bad all the time … I couldn’t tie my shoes. I couldn’t go to a cookout. If I went places, I had to bring my own chair. I really didn’t care about people seeing me.”
That’s when Burgess spoke with a friend who had been through The Center for Bariatrics at Bailey Medical Center program. Burgess was intrigued enough to try it for himself.
He joined the Bailey Bariatrics’ program on April 8, 2021, and soon began to see results. Four months later, he had weight-loss surgery, a decision that turned his life around.
Now, at age 61, insulin shots and pills are no longer necessary for Burgess’ routine. His blood sugar is down to a normal level and, as of early June 2022, he weighed 230 pounds.
“I can sit in regular chair,” he said. “I can cross my legs and sit in a booth. I can do anything anybody else can. It gives me a whole new outlook on life.”
Burgess credits the Bailey Bariatrics staff for his extraordinary journey and success.
“I like the people down there,” he said. “You couldn’t ask for a better team. They are right there with you. They are so thorough, it just amazed me. You just need to follow the plan.”
Burgess has shared his story and encourages others to join the Bailey Bariatrics program as well.
“I would tell anybody else who has been through what I have to don’t look back,” he said. “Jump into it with both feet. Do what they tell you and it’s going to be a life changer. You can’t imagine the change of life that you have.”