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Tracking Protein Using Your Stuff At Home

Protein Portions text over a photo of a slice of meat

Bailey Bariatrics’ dietitian Rene Norman, RD/LD, shares some useful tips for protein portions.

Making sure you get enough protein is important for staying healthy after surgery.  Food scales, measuring cups, measuring spoons and a nutrition label are helpful tools to calculate how much protein you are getting in your day.  Once you are able to eat more solid proteins, you discover that a lot of those solid proteins don’t come with a food label, especially when you are eating out. It’s kind of hard to whip out your food scales or measuring cups in a restaurant, right?  There are common items you can use to better estimate the protein you are eating. 

Here is a useful chart to help you visualize portions. Not all the items on the list will be at your home, but are at least familiar to many of us.  Remember to count the protein of the portion you actually ate.

Protein chart