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Plant-Based Milks and Protein Content

almonds next to a glass of milk

Bailey Bariatrics dietitian Rene Norman, RD/LD, joins us on the blog today to talk about plant-based milks and how much protein they actually contain. 

True or False?  Plant-based milks are a good source of protein.  For almond, coconut and cashew milk, the answer is false. Soy milk is actually a good source of protein.  In the last few years, we’ve seen an explosion of plant-based milks in our stores. Soy milk has been in grocery stores for a long time.  Almond, cashew and coconut milks have been more recent additions to the milk family.  While almond, cashew and coconut milks do not have a lot of protein, many of our patients are using them to mix with protein powder to make a protein shake that is thicker and tastier than mixing the protein powder with just water.

Here is a comparison chart between cow’s milk and plant based milks. 

While this chart doesn’t include all the brands that are now available, it will give you an overview of the nutrient profile of the categories of the milks. You will notice that there is more calcium in the plant-based milks, because this is added to the product. Plant-based milks are also lactose free.  All milks are mostly water, which will count towards your hydration goal. What type of milk you want to have before and after surgery is a matter of personal preference and whether you have a food intolerance or allergy.  Enjoy!